Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Week 2 Day 3 44lb KB

"If you woke your dog, forced him to eat 2 doughnuts, a cup of coffee and a cigarette, you would be arrested for animal abuse"
Jack Lallane
Joint Mobility
Swings 4x16
Tight Rope Press 4x8
1 leg DL 4x8
Lunge 4x8
Bottom up C&P 4x8
Floor Sweep 4x26
Windmill 4x8
530 snack bar
630 morning workout
800 meal shake with 1scoop muscle gain and almonds
930 zone bar
1230 Pizza, 3 slices, mmm good
no snack
630 pork tenderloin, mushrooms, new potatoes, whole grain rice from the crock pot we loaded this morning.
handful of semi sweet morsels and M&Ms with skim milk.
No booze tonight. I had my splurge at lunch.
Drank spark, black coffee, water and unsweet tea today.
have a safe and happy New year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Week 2 Day 2 Lean Out

Joint Mobility Drills
Turkish Get Up 4x3
Deadlift 4x8
Side Press 4x8
Figure 8 to a hold 4x8
Crush Curl 4x8
Russian Twist 4x8
1 arm swing 4x16
35lb kb
415 spark, mns
445 snack bar
630 meal shake
900 zone bar
1130 deli turkey, 2 pieces cheese, wheat crackers pnut butter
1145 handful of semi sweet morsels
330 snack bar
630 3 egg, 2 whites omelet with cheese and turky pepperoni unsweet tea
handful of m&ms. skim milk.
I also take Advocare Catalyst 3 times per day on empty stomach
No cardio tonight

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 1 Week 2 24kg KB

Joint mobility
Clean and Press 4x8
Squat 4x8
Renegade Row 4x8
Get up Sit Up 4x8
Floor Sweep 4x26
Snatch 4x10
Circuit format, done in 30 minutes
415 snack bar
630 meal replacement shake
900 zone bar
1200 1 turkey sausage link, wheat crackers w/ pnut butter, water
1215 handful of M&Ms
330 snack bar
715 grilled chicken, new potatoes, mushrooms, dark chocolate, skim milk
I ran 7 miles in 55 min at 6:00.
I also drank spark, water, 1 cup black coffee, Advocare MNS, Rehydrate, Arginine at various times throughout the day.
circuit in the morning, likely snatch V02 tomorrow night.
circuit Wed morning and run again Wed night or Thurs.
Off Friday & Sat

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Eating

Just some things to consider. I've tried to abide by this for the last few days.
1. Limit yourself to one plate or atleast one spoon of each concoction/casserole offered you at the meal.
2. Pick one good dessert and enjoy.
3. It's not critical that you completely clean your plate. leave a bite or two.
4. Go for the chocolate covered nuts instead of pretzels, they have protein.
5. Graze the snacks by with your fingers instead of handfuls.
As for exercise. I helped my dad cut 4 loads of wood yesterday(he mostly watched) and
I ran 5k this morning.
Showed an old friend and lifter the basic KB moves this afternoon.
Back to working out tomorrow. Missing the Max V02 workout already.
Got a Captains of Crush gripper in my stocking so I'm working that throughout the day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Completed the 3rd workout in my new weekly cycle. See prior post link.
The 6 or 7 exercises with 4 sets of 5 reps seems perfect for the 1st week. Next week bumps up the reps a notch. By week 4 this should be exciting.
400 mns, spark, rehydrate, 3 catalyst
430 snack bar
500 workout #3
700 meal shake, scoop of protein, almonds
900 snack bar
1000 wheat crackers and low fat pnut butter
1200 deli turkey and cheese, no bread and a few wheat crackers
200 almonds
300 spark, catalyst, snack bar
600 2 large pancakes, syrup, 2 pieces turkey sausage, grits, eggs skim milk
800 Santa had to eat 3 or 4 cookies
900 handful of 60% cocoa morsels and skim milk
Tomorrow could be a bad eating day. No workout. Plan to run and workour Fri/Sat.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

4 Week KB Workout

Day 2

Sorry for this blog being a little mixed up. I'm caught up now.
Today I did the 2nd KB work out in the new plan. I actually did KB and ran yesterday. Trying to cram as much as possible into 3 days this week. Shins are killing me since the long run last week so I'll rest them today. I'll post a link to the 4 week lean out plan.
Today's diet
400 MNS, Spark, Rehydrate, Catalyst
430 Snack bar, water
500 Workout
630 Meal Shake with almonds and a scoop of Muscle Gain
930 Snack Bar
1200 Cup of chili and club on wheat no mayo. Ate 5 chips. Unsweet tea.
130 Peanut Butter cookie with Hershey kiss on top
230 SLAM energy drink
300 Snack Bar
600 Steamed chicken breast plain, unsweet tea, wheat crackers and pnut butter.
One more day to stay off the "Naughty List".

Diet this past weekend

7:30am breakfast shake
9:30am Zone bar
11:30am Ground Turkey Tacos 3 with cheese. Unsweet tea
2:30pm Handful of almonds, pnut butter crackers
5:30pm Omelet 2 eggs 2 whites, cheese, turkey, turkey sausage and shot of skim milk. Chocolate skim milk
8:00 Handful of semi sweet morsels with skim milk
4am muscle fuel, mns, catalyst,
430 balance bar
630 breakfast shake with muscle gain and almonds, shot of fat free jello pudding cheescake flavor
8:15 2 pieces fudge, banana nut bread (I'm a sucker for baked goods at the office)
900 zone bar black coffee
1130 cheese grits, turkey sausage
3:45 zone bar black coffee
5:45 spark, arginine extreme
6:00 ran 5k in about 22 min.
6:30 soy spagetti with grated cheese and sauce
8:30 snack pack vanilla pudding

Mon and Tue - New Lean Out Routine 4 Weeks

I'm reading Marty Gallagher's 'Purposeful Primitive' book. This compilation of 40 years of life and training takes you through the various workouts that made legendary bodybuilders and strongmen the best in the world. Every one of these guys had their own style and routine. Each workout is different, some to the extreme but they all worked. Not that I'm trying to be a world class lifter but all of the strategies stimulate transformation of the body which is what anyone reading this blog including myself is constantly looking for. I'm only about half way through the book but I put together a 4 week cycle to shake things up. This workout is simple and takes 30 minutes 3 times per week.
Sets stays the same but number of reps goes up each week 5 to 8 to 10 to 12.
Day 1
Clean & Press 4x5
Renegade Row 4x5
Getup Situp 4x5
Floor Sweep 4x20

Day 2 Cardio

Day 3
Turkish Getup 4x2
Deadlift 4x5
Bent Press 4x5
Fig 8 to Hold 4x5
Crush Curl 4x5
Russian Twist 4x5
1 Arm Swing 4x10

Day 4 is Max V02 Snatch Workout

Day 5
1 Arm Swing 4x10
Tight Rope Press 4x5
1 Leg Deadlift 4x5
Tactical Lunge 4x5
Bottom up Clean 4x5
Floor Sweep 4x20
Windmill 4x5
Day 1 KB you can press 5 times each arm
Day 3 KB you can press 10 times each arm
Day 5 KB you can press 7 times each arm

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rest Day

Did about 80 swings with the 44lb kb and practiced
some pistols and windmills with the 70lb.
6:45am meal shake
9:00am Zone Bar
10:00am wheat crackers and pnut butter
12:00 finger foods and snacks at the inlaws
snacked all afternoon on junk then ate grilled chicken
I had a few pieces of butter nut cake, some choc covered pretzels,
several foo foo chocolate treats, skim milk, some coffee, a diet dew
baked beans with sausage, etc. I junked out today but it was our early
Christmas so tis the season.
My motto is to make eating bad the exception rather than the rule. You must
treat yourself or you have no incentive.

Friday, December 19, 2008

VO2 Max

80 sets of 8 with the 35 this morning at 5am. Not too bad.
Tonight I had the pleasure of introducing Jamie and Angela to the world of Kettlebells. We started off with joint mobility drills and then spent about an hour on the deadlift, swing and get up. I think they have a new respect and see an avenue that will get them to the next level in their pursuit of complete physical function. We're working on an accountability plan.
I catch a lot of flack about my diet. People seem to think I don't eat realistic food and portions. I think I'll start logging my approximate daily intake for a while in addition to my physical activities. Here goes:
4:15am Muscle Fuel, 3 Catalyst, MNS
4:45 Zone bar
6:45 Breakfast shake with almonds, scoop of muscle gain
9:15 Spark & Rehydrate, 3 catalyst
9:30 Zone bar
11:30 Firehouse med hook and ladder and chips with unsweet tea
5:30 25 low fat wheat cracker with low fat pnut butter
9:45 zone bar, skim milk, 2 handfuls of semi sweet chocolate chips

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Airport Loop

approx 7 miles 54:55
had to be 100% humidity. Lost about 3lbs on the run.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Complexes

Pistol 3x1
Bent Press 3x5
Windmill 3x5
Lunge 3x5
Swing 3x20
Tight Rope Press 3x5
Bottom Up Press 3x5
Crush Curl 3x5
TGU 3x2
Floor Sweeps 3x20
Squats 3x5

Monday, December 15, 2008

Enter The Kettlebell Light Day

Low rep, heavy KB
5 ladders 3 rungs with 32kg kettlebell
140 Snatches in 10 minutes with 24kg kettlebell
1st time pushing the snatches in a while. I think I can hit 200 in 10 min
but I need to work out a plan. I'm thinking 20,10,5 rest 20,10,5 rest 10,5 rest 10,5 rest.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

YMCA Jingle Bell 5k

40 Degrees
I got ahead of the kids and ran a 7:04 1st mile.
Rested a little on the middle stretch and hit 2 miles at around 15 min.
Home stretch my back was giving me some trouble (this is a new thing)
but I crossed the line at 22:09 on the clock. Should have sprinted to get under
22 but oh well. 5th for my division.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Swing Ladders "300"

5am - Joint Mobility Drills
Gonzalo showed up and we did swing ladders.
32kg 2 hand 10 reps
24kg 1 hand switch 10 reps
16kg 2 hands ballistic swing 10 reps

10 sets for 300 total reps

We each went throught he sequence while the other rested.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Practice/Variety Day

24kg Kettlebell
Exercise Reps x Sets
Windmill l/r 5x3
Pistol l/r 1x3
Bent Press l/r 2x3
Turkish Get Up l/r 2x3
Floor Sweep 20x3
Swing 10x3
Crush Curl 5x3
Tightrope Press l/r 5x3
Bottom Up Press l/r 5x3
Lunge l/r 5x3

I did 2 exercises back to back then moved on to the next 2 rather than
the whole thing in 3 circuits.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

V02 Max

Eddie and I hit 80 sets of 8 snatches.
Em hung with us for most of the workout too.

Long Run

8 miles 1:09:17
Need some speed to hit 8min pace for Double Bridge.


Joint mobility in the morning
Clean and press in the evening went like this
12345 32kg
12345 32kg
12345 24kg
12345 24kg
12345 24kg

Swings 24kg
30seconds work/30 seconds rest (30:30)
11 sets averaging about 17 reps per set
close to 200 reps total.
going on a long slow run this morning with V02 snatch workout tonight.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Running and KBs today

Ran about 3.5 miles this morning. 25 minutes or so.
Afternoon KB workout:
Joint Mobility
Down Dogs
Hip Flexor Stretches
Get Ups 1 l/r, 2 l/r
Clean Press Squat l/r 1,2,3,4,5
Snatch 10 sets 5 each arm no rest
Swings 20 reps switching hands each rep
All work with 35lb KB.
Fast and effective

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thurs and Fri

Last night Snatch V02 Max
80 sets of 8 reps for total of 640 reps with 35lb kb.
Ran 5k hills this morning 25:19

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Mixed it up.
150 swings
bottom up presses
figure 8
No particular order. Just a few sets of 5 or 10 and finished off with
100 swings.

Running and Swinging

Ran about 50 minutes yesterday, I think just under 7 miles. Forgot my watch.
Hoping to get a Garmin 405 for Christmas (hint if the right person reads this blog)
It was a chilly 34 degrees but no wind so it was ok.
Ramping up for Double Bridge and possibly the Pcola half marathon.
KBs this afternoon. Slow grinds and swings. Details later.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday-Simple and Sinister

24kg Kettlebell
Turkish Get Ups for 5 minutes.
Set the Gymboss on 1 minute
5 left 5 right top of the minute
5th and 15th set I did 10 left 10 right.
Total of 200 snatches with the 24kg.
Those 10 rep sets in the middle just make the 5 reps feel better.


Clean and press 24kg
5 ladders
at the park with Jayson playing on the playground.