Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good Training Week

Light/Med/Heavy days clean and press with 53lb kb. Rather than forcing the heavier weight I've been working on perfect form and the right pressing groove. I was able to get a p/r while visiting Laurel Blackburn, RKC in Tallahassee. I pressed a 96lb kb once left/right. I have not lost strength by using lighter weight as long as I keep improving form.
Snatches on light day 10r/l, 9r/l, etc all the way down to 1/1.
Swings on med and heavy day.
Ran one time early in the week, 7.5 miles in 1:01:00.
5k Thursday morning in just under 24 min.
5k race with Ashley, Koby and Lydia this morning 23:13.
1 mile fun run in 6:23
Time for a little rest this afternoon. Trying to lay off the snacks and get under 190lbs for
the gorging next week!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tis the Season

To Be Busy
I worked out with 6 folks yesterday. Some were trying kettlebells for the 1st time and others have been training for a while.
I've been running a couple of times a week alternating short fast (5k) with increased long, slower runs. 5k has been around the 24 min mark but I haven't gone all out. Long runs, I've made it up to about 7 miles with no problem as long as I stay over 9 minute pace.
Mostly clean and press kettlebell workouts with a lot of swings and snatches. Emily C and I hit 60 sets of V02 Thursday but I stopped before a blister tore. I've had some awesome training sessions over the last few weeks. Jamie, Eddie,Vince, Emily C, Denise, Lydia, Jeff, Carlton, Tricia, Ray, thanks for the opportunity.
Last Saturday we had a class that just went over different kinds of workouts so we did the first round of about 6 different workouts.
Clean and Press Ladders
Swing and Squat
3 different complex routines
V02 Snatches
My focus for the now and the new year will be making myself better. Napoleon Hill said "what you are 5 years from now is primarily a result of who you associate with and the books you read" Garbage in Garbage out?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Write today's worries in the sand.....

And chisel yesterday's victories in stone"
Sorry no blogging if your reading this. I've been working, traveling, training for a 15k, etc.
Been in a little slump lately but persisting through. I love the ratchet analogy. Push hard, back off, push harder, back off, etc, etc.
The key is to persist without exception.
I've been doing a modified Right of Passage workout with the meat of it consisting of single kettlebell clean and press, swings and snatches. I'm hitting a heavy snatch day and a light high volume day each week. I'm also doing a light/medium/heavy day on clean and press. Running 2 days a week alternating short and fast with long and slower. I struggle to hold back the speed but it pays off at the end of a run whether it is 5k or 15k. Shooting for a sub 8min pace at the double bridge 15k in February.
Thanks to the folks that run with me at all odd hours of the day and night. I hope to see you at the race or some race in the future.
Tonight was medium workout. 5 ladders of clean and press to 3 rungs each. 1st rung 40kg, 2nd rung 32kg, 3rd rung 24kg. then 2 sets of swing ladders with the same bells.
Running in the morning. Long and slow. I busted 23 min on the 5k yesterday thanks to Gonzalo.