Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bursitis - Patience

That's what the doc said. Got some celebrex and some patches. Not a lot of improvement yet but he said no restrictions on workouts. I'm working around the upper arm pain so that restricts my handstands and presses. No bad pain with snatches and swings. I'm doing some rehab type work with the rotator to try and get the blood moving in the general area of the bursitis.
VWC progess: 22 sets of 36:36 last week. I hit 80 sets of 8 with 16kg before I moved on. I have been alternating 15:15, 36:36 with swings 2 days per week. I replace snatch day with a test about once a month and have hit the 100 in around 4:30 the last 2 months. Conditioning is good.
My other 2 days per week I am working through the 9 progressions of the 6 exercises in Convict Conditioning. Having to hold back on moving up too quick in some areas but being challenged in others. It really stinks to have so much pain in the headstand. Patience.
Weight is steady around 190. I got as low as 185 and sneak up to 193 or so after eating bad (pizza yesterday). I still try to eat more good than bad meals and have not missed a day of Max E in 3 years unless doing a cleanse.
I have resolved to chase better health/conditioning/strength instead of bigger/faster/stronger.
Looking forward to the CKFMS class next month. Can't wait to show people how to feel better every day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

O.K., I give, I'm going to the Ortho Surgeon.....

Just can't shake this problem with my tricep/shoulder. Hoping nothing to do with rotator cuff. I've always been able to work through pain but this won't go away and has gotten worse since January. Can't press with right arm, can barely stand to do handstands, can't do get ups with that arm down because the compression is like a knife hitting me between the tricep and shoulder. OK, I give in. Snatches and swings have very little pain so that's been the bulk of my work for 3 months. Can't complain because they are great and my 5 min snatch test was done in 4:30 a couple of weeks ago, but when you almost scream just rolling over in bed it's time to do something.
Lots of travel and bad eating but lots of water and good supplements so I'm maintaining my bodyweight around 190.
Loving the Convict Conditioning bodyweight program. I'm starting at the bottom like Coach Wade says and hopefully will be able to progress nicely by the time my arm is fixed. Until then I will work around it.
Still working the V02 snatches 2-3 times a week. I'm alternating days of Convict Conditioning with 15:15 or 36:36. I've hit 80 sets of 8 on the short one and 20 sets of 15 reps on the 36 before my grips lets go.
Blah, blah......
I'm doing a Kettlebell Basics class at Crossfit Everstrong on Saturday at 12:30. Fellow RKC David Dunham will be there as well.